Sunday, October 15, 2023

GIS Internship 3

 LinkedIn Profile 

My approach to creating my LinkedIn profile was to treat it as my resume at first and apply everything that I had written down in my resume in each section of LinkedIn. My about section I treated as, what job/internship I am currently looking for and little details about me. I wanted people who look at my profile to be able to easily see what I am looking for but also what skills and abilities I have picked up along the way. In the experience section I filled out all the previous jobs I had worked, description of what I did at each job, and the skills that I used while working at that certain job. The skills section I tried to add as many skills as possible from as small as working independently to certifications I had earned through school. 

I am currently working through my group 2 work but have ran into an issue with ESRI maintenance subscription and it has held me back from completing any further courses. I do plan on turning my mid-semester check-in but I have only completed one model so far because of my issue that I stated above.

Module 7 Google Earth

 Google Earth For this week's lab we were tasked with creating a dot density map of south Florida in Google Earth. The map also includes...