Sunday, February 19, 2023

Land Use/Land Cover of Pascagoula, MS

 This map displays the land use/land cover of the Pascagoula, MS area. It also displays the level of accuracy that each land use/land cover zone has by using point features to show if these areas are zoned correctly in the correct areas. The map I produced has a 87% point accuracy which is relatively pretty good accuracy. 

Thursday, February 2, 2023

Aerial Photograph Depicting Various Tones/Texture

This map is classified in two categories tone and texture. For tone they are classified by: very light, light, medium, dark, very dark. For texture they are classified by: very fine, fine, mottled, coarse, and very coarse. 

For this map I identified features and objects by: shape size, shadows, pattern, and association. For shape size I identified three features: the parked cars, the main road and the restaurant. The main roads shape was easily identifiable and so were the tiny parked cars in the parking lot. The restaurants shape was also easy to identify as it was the largest building along the beach. For shadows I identified objects by their shadow such as the water tower, the sign to a store and a light pole along the road. For pattern I looked for objects that had a similar pattern to them such as: the ocean (because of wave action), the parking lot, and the beach housing community to the east in the image. Finally I identified objects by association and found: the pier, the hotel pool (in middle of hotel), and the community pool for the housing on the east side of image. 

Module 7 Google Earth

 Google Earth For this week's lab we were tasked with creating a dot density map of south Florida in Google Earth. The map also includes...